Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chap. 29 ~ Connection Across Time

I can honestly say, that since the 2nd world war, conditions of relationships between countries have not really improved. I wish I could say that since Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin have been dead, there have been no dictatorships, and that is entirely false. Today, there are many dictatorships evident in the world today, including the well-known Kim Jong-Il of North Korea. It's amazing, we're in the 21st century, and there are still people suffering from living under totalitarian governments? We should honestly be way farther than that. I would also like to say there have been no genocides since the Holocaust. Unfortunately, that is not true either. Even though the Holocaust is basically the only genocide that's EVER discussed in schools, there are many other genocides prominent today, if you read and research enough. I believe what it occuring in Israel is a genocide, and that the Palestinians should rightfully have their land back. It's just not fair to see the Israelites come back and say, we want our land back. God gave it to us! Well, many people around the world are sadly on Israel's side. But they don't think to put themselves in the Palestinians' shoes. How would you feel if someone left their land, it was unoccupied, so you took it for yours, and the previous owner comes back saying, this is my land. Yeah, you would tell them to get out! That is how the Palestinians feel, and I pity them. Like I have said countless times before, I really wish peace could be accomplished, but it's not going to be anywhere in the NEAR future.

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