Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter 30 ~ Connection Across Time

Like I have said before, I wish I could say things have improved in our world, relationships between countries wise, since the past century and a half. The Cold war was basically a continuation of political tension and military conflicts in the world, specifically America and the Soviet Union. I think the most central conflict of the war was the division of Germany. Something I think is crucial to know is that in 1993, President Bush said that Reagan "helped make ours not only a safer but far better world in which to live. And you yourself said it best. In fact, you saw it coming. We recall your stirring words to the British Parliament. Here were the words: "the march of freedom and democracy . . . will leave Marxist-Leninism on the ashheap of history.'' Few people believe more in liberty's inevitable triumph than Ronald Reagan. None, none was more a prophet in his time. Ronald Reagan rebuilt our military; not only that, he restored its morale."

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